Plastic binding is the only bind style that uses this measure

Wholesale Printing Machine

  The GBC MP200PB binding machine (formerly theIbico 620FD binding machine) is the best fixed die electric modularpunches on the market. The MP2000 series of modular punches are builtwith the same care and quality as all of the other GBC bindingequipment. Its compact design and nicely finished exterior make Itperfect for almost any office. Here are some simple directions forusing the MP2000. Prior to punching your document, determine the number of holes requiredfor the document (depends on the side of the document that is to bebound – 11” edge requires 19 holes – 8 ½” edge requires 15 holes). 1. Deselect the Die Pins you do not want to punch by lifting the Selector Pin Lid and pulling the pins up. 2. Set the Depth-of-Punch Lever (on the left side of the punch) toeither under or over 9/16”.


This refers to the diameter of the combelement being used. Plastic binding is the only bind style that uses this measure, and its main purpose is to adjust the margin from theedge of the paper to the holes being punched so the element is properlyfilled. If the margin is punched too deep into the paper for a smallelement (i.e. ¼”), the pages will not open or turn easily because thereis not enough room inside the element. Conversely, if the margin ispunched too shallow for a large document (i.e. ½”), the pages couldtear out if the document was roughly handled or dropped. 3. Using a test lift of paper (or covers if using oversize covers),insert the sheets into the Punch Throat, moving them until they areflush against the Edge Guide and all the way into the bottom of thePunch Throat. Hold the sheets in place with one hand. 4. To punch, press the Punch Button or Foot Pedal. 5. Now, take one sheet of the punched material and fold it in half tocheck for hole alignment. If it is squared you’re ready to continuepunching the document. 6. When the punching is complete, remember to lift the front lid up, remove the chip tray, and trash the debris. Note: As mentioned earlier, Comb Binding frequently uses oversizecovers. This simply means the covers are manufactured 11-1/4” X 8-3/4”(instead of 11” x 8-1/2”), leaving an 1/8th inch margin at the top andbottom of the document and a ¼” excess margin on the unbound 11” sideof the document. This is to prevent dog-earing of the materialcontained within the covers of the document.


It also makes the document look neater, as the pages do not stick out when the element moves inthe punched holes. This does not happen with our other bind styles, asthe holes are smaller, and there is less movement of the bindingelement. What this means to you, is that the Edge Guide must be reset to“center” the holes of the oversize cover. Follow the same steps forsetting the Edge Guide and checking the setting that you justcompleted. If you were punching a number of documents using oversizecovers, you would set the Edge Guide for the paper, punching all thepaper – then set the Edge Guide for the covers and punch all thecovers. Both Wire Binding and Coil Binding are set up using steps 1 through 5 –since the covers are flush cut with China IML Paint bucket the paper (no oversize), there isno need to reset the Edge Guide.

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